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Let's be honest - you don't care about my sales pitch just as much as I don't want to give it.


I can promise that what comes next is written by me and not ChatGPT, so if you want to know what I'm about - read on.


I spent years chasing the "dream" physique, I tried it all - I'd lose weight and be unhappy, I'd gain it and feel worse.

It didn't matter how lean I got, it never lasted long and I never felt happy or confident.

I started to genuinely believe that it would just never happen for me, that for some reason I was some weird exception.


I killed myself with endless cardio, yo-yo diets and the old binge and restrict pattern of eating. It didn't seem to matter who I paid or how much I paid it just wasn't working.

I was tired of feeling miserable while someone else profited from my insecurities.


I finally started to educate myself, and it became an obsession - I studied, surrounded myself with experts in the industry, worked closely with mentors and now I've made my personal passion in to a career.


Once I figured out there was an easier way and began to experience the freedom, the confidence and the sustainable results all I wanted to do was share that with as many people as I could, and so TMST was born.


I found a gap in this industry, it's big, scary and overwhelming - it's filled with mis-information and inauthenticity. It's rampant with a bunch of "get rich quick" trainers who are in it for all the wrong reasons.


I genuinely just want to see you thrive.


This stuff saved my life, and I want it to change yours.

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