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Meet Mel

I started with Tia in April 2022, I was miserable.

I had just cancelled weight loss surgery and I felt like I was at my wits end.

I'd lost some weight doing massive amounts of cardio and only consuming meal replacement shakes while taking medications to curb my appetite.

I knew it wasn't sustainable and I didn't know what to do.

I stumbled across Tia on Instagram and figured - why not? I've literally tried everything else.

Mel's Journey

Honestly, it's been the biggest physical life change ever. 

With a tailored eating plan and workouts my body is the strongest and fittest it's ever been.

She has worked with me to re-set my metabolism but the real change has been training on mindset.


Changing how I think about food, my scale weight and my body in general has been key in my progress.


I still have weight to lose but I'm now 45kg down, I eat more than I ever have and I feel better than I did 15 years ago.


If you're struggling with the diet merry-go-round get off. 

Contact Tia, start fresh and soon you'll be telling everyone of the amazing things that are happening to you, but don't be surprised if they see it first.


Thanks Tia 

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